Saturday, February 23, 2013

how we got started

Well your right the search for truth is a funny yet amazing thing when you find it. First step as Brother Jospeh said " you must be willing to set aside all the traditoins of your fathers" just that simple, 
As for how we got started it began with a lot of scripture study, soul searching, and prayer. I slowly introduced the idea by planting the seed that, she should go out to dinner with a guy friend (she was 21 when we got married) so I wanted her to experience what she might of missed. I asked her if she did who would be? I promised not to get upset, and that I didn't really feel like we were truly best friends cause she tells things to her girl friends she never would tell me. I said I do the same thing with my guy friends even if it was just about old times or whatever. As she warmed up to the idea to dinner (nothing else) she reached out to a couple of friends from High school. Then I explained (after weeks and weeks of prep) what God had revealed to me. Wow! she thought I had lost my mind, wouldn't talk to me about it ever. Then I asked her "OK let's imagine that putting all relgion aside and there was no penalty involved would she like to be free with other men? she said Yeah but it's wrong. ... Ok I asked her "What was Law before the Law of MOses or 10 commandments? from Adam til Moses? she didn't know, then I told her about apostle Paul. We studied for sometime, she still thought I lost my mind. So after 2-3 months of conversation and study I told her to go pray about it. She did and was shocked at the answer she got. Then she said it was for after this life not now.
I shared with her another qoute by Joseph, "If God gave us commandments on this earth, isn't it our duty to live them? If he wanted us to live them after He would of waited to tell us......
Our communication has drastically improved. and so has our love, jealousy isn't an issue anymore cause now we can really talk openly. Liberating!


  1. You are a piece of shit. You know God never told you or your wife that. You are a twisted freak.

  2. Go and enjoy your Sodom and Gomorrah abominations. Leave the gospel out of it. I wouldn'the have judged, but you involved the gospel. You're truly a sack of shit. I would love to know your name.
